Events around town


Let’s Stand in Solidarity

Buffalo Stands with Standing Rock!

You Can’t Drink Oil! Water is Life!

Please Join Us to Stand in Solidarity with the 100’s of tribes bravely gathered at Standing Rock to protect land and water. They have come together with the deep knowledge that water is life. We will have a table with No Northern Access Pipeline materials.

Time and Date– October 10th at 11am
Where and What– Rallying at army corp of engineers 1776 Niagara st. Buffalo. March down Niagara to W.Ferry down to the foot of Ferry then back along the river to Unity Island(located slightly south of army corp of engineers at 1731 Niagara st.) We will have a press conference at 11:30 am. We will be demanding the army corp of engineers to stop the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline and respect Indigenous Sovereignty of the Standing Rock Sioux and honor the Fort Laramie treaties. Please bring a dish if you can for a potluck following the rally and march at Unity Island. . Also Don’t Shop at all on this day and please don’t buy gas at sunoco for they are a huge funder of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

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